LLC "Science and Innovations" (LLC S&I)
Postal address: a/ya 4440, Saratov, 410004, Russia
We engaged in creation and promotion of e-journals, websites, and scientific software.
Our main partners:
- Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky (Saratov, Russia)
- LLC Innovative Medical Technologies (Saratov, Russia)
Management team and their credentials:
- Director: Anton R. Kiselev, MD, D.Sc. - CV, Scopus, PubMed, RusSCI
- Deputy director: Igor M. Kalmikov - blog [in Russian]
Owners of our company:
- Anton R. Kiselev, MD, D.Sc. (Saratov, Russia)
- Igor M. Kalmikov (Saratov, Russia)
- Sergey N. Potakhin, MD, PhD (Saratov, Russia)
Information on our publishing e-Projects is available on home page of this site.
Information on the Editorial Boards of our own publishing projects is available on their official websites:
- Bulletin of Medical Internet Conferences
- Cardio-IT
- Medical Conference Online
- Psychosomatic and Integrative research [in Russian]
- Russian Open Medical Journal
LLC "Science and Innovations" is a member of several industry organizations including the Russian Science Citation Index, the Publishers International Linking Association (CrossRef).
All our content is archived in the Russian Science Citation Index, which provides permanent archiving for electronic scholarly russian journals.